Do Women Experience Allergies Differently Than Men?

Men and women are different in many ways. One of the major areas where guys and gals differ has to do with their health. Women are prone to certain conditions more so than men. This notion is also true for men as well. They have tend to suffer illnesses that women rarely have to deal with. So, when it comes to allergies do women deal with them in the same way as men? The following answer will explain how both sexes respond to this ailment.

Women are more Vulnerable to Allergies to Men

Sorry ladies, females are more vulnerable to men when it comes to allergies. Countless number of studies and research has proven this fact to be true. It was noted by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology that females tend to encounter more allergies during their middle 20’s and beyond. Males tend to be more vulnerable to allergies before they reach adulthood. Once they reach their middle 20’s they usually have less vulnerability to allergies.

Why are women more prone to allergies than men?

Medical Daily states that medical researchers and scientists cannot figure out why women are at a higher risk to developing allergic reactions. There are millions of healthy women who should be able to ward off allergic reactions through normal body function response. However, many women end up attracting more allergies than men. While no one knows for sure why an allergic response is so predominate in females, they can make some really good evidence based conclusion as to why this happens. If you are suffering from allergies Prmeier Allergy can help to find a solution for your problem.

Females have Higher Levels of Estrogen

Estrogen is the hormone that gives females many of their qualities. This hormone interferes with the enzyme lining of blood vessels. When this happens it creates an allergic reaction within the body. Researchers conducted a study which proved that estrogen impacted people in this way. During the study they blocked the estrogen from impacting the blood vessels. They then realized that estrogen was not able to create an allergic reaction when it was prevented from impacting the enzyme lining of the blood vessels. In conclusion, the research proved that estrogen does play a key role with allergies. Still, more research must be conducted to fully understand how all of this impacts women and their weakness to allergies.

Physiological and Genetic Makeup of Men and Women

Human beings are basically the same. We all have the same genetic design and we all have the same bodily functions and systems. However, the sexes differ in terms of their anatomy and their physiology. We can look at men and women and see their differences anatomically. Women and men have different things going on inside of their bodies even though a lot of stuff is the same. A person’s genes and genetic makeup could make them more prone to an allergy. Prmeier Allergy understands this point. All of these differences play a role with understanding why men and women respond differently to allergies